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Butterfield Canyon Elementary Resident Parents-

Due to the recent boundary changes and shifting enrollment, 847 students are currently attending Butterfield Canyon Elementary.  Even with anticipated growth Butterfield Canyon Elementary has the capacity to run a traditional calendar based on its building size and 10 portables. The Jordan School District Board of Education has asked us to survey the parents of Butterfield Canyon Elementary to see if they would like to be considered for a short-term traditional calendar that would last a minimum of 2 years (2015-16 and 2016-17 school years).

If a change occurs, a future evaluation will be conducted at the appropriate time to determine if a traditional calendar could continue beyond the 2016-17 school year.

For a copy of the approved 2015-16 traditional calendar and 2015-16 year-round calendar, please go to You can find the approved calendars on the website under the parent & student section.  It is important to know that a traditional calendar has students in school for 180 days versus a year-round calendar that is 170 days.  The year-round calendar school day is 25 minutes longer than a traditional calendar school day to equalize the hours of instruction.

The survey will be open on Monday December 22, 2014.  It will remain open until Monday January 12, 2015 at 1 pm.

The Board of Education is very interested in your feedback prior to considering a short-term calendar change and appreciates your time in filling out this survey.

Please go to the following link to complete the survey:

If you’re having a hard time accessing the survey – try copying and pasting the link into a different browser (i.e. Firefox or Chrome).

Jordan School District Administration

We have recently had the Herriman High School Chamber Choir and a woodwind quintet called Prevailing Winds perform for our student body. They were both incredible performances that entertained and instructed us in the cultural arts.

Both groups commented on how impressed they were with our school. They said that of all the schools they've visited across the district and state - our students were the most polite and well-behaved! They were blown away that student leaders were introducing the performers at assemblies, calling the students to attention, and encouraging students to enter/exit the assembly in a calm & orderly fashion.  We have a tradition of excellence at Butterfield Canyon which makes having presenters comment on their positive experience at Butterfield Canyon a regular occurrence. Way to go bobcats and way to go parents - for raising such incredible children!

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Now students have more access to technology than ever before @ Butterfield Canyon.

14318331-standard By adding a second computer lab, we have doubled students access to computers that allow them to publish their writing, create presentations, and research curricular topics.
images Each classroom in K, 1st, and 2nd grades have at least 5 iPads available for regular use all day, every day.

3rd, 4th, and 5th grades have a class set of iPads on a cart that they use to support their instruction.

6th grade students turned their class set of laptops into the 2nd computer lab for them to use primarily in the afternoons, but made it available to all grade levels in the morning.

125 Students in 3rd-6th grades have access to these devices called "NEO 2's" that give them more opportunities to practice their keyboarding skills and publish their writing. These devices provide on-screen keyboarding lessons and allow them to print their writing wirelessly. We have 120 of these devices available for student use.
IMG_1512 We still have our regular desktop computer lab that our students have always been able to access at least once a week.
21appletv Each classroom is equipped with a document camera, a projector, a laptop, an iPad, and an Apple TV device to allow for wireless projection to the big screen from the laptop or iPad. 

In conjunction with Safety Week, we are asking that all students and parents watch and abide by the following safety tips contained in this Safety Super Hero video. Students have watched this video at school and signed a pledge (D trackers will when they come back on track), committing to be a Safety Super Hero!

Parents can also take a mental pledge by agreeing to obey all the following safety rules:

  • I pledge to drive 5 mph slower than the posted speed limit in school zones and residential areas to protect the lives of children in my community.
  • I pledge to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections.
  • I pledge to stop behind crosswalks so that I don't block the pedestrian's way at intersections.
  • I pledge to watch for and yield to pedestrians when making both left and right turns.
  • I pledge to never pass a vehicle that has stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street.
  • I pledge to never pick up students in a location that puts them at risk trying to reach the vehicle.

Many thanks to the Salt Lake Astronomical Society who sent volunteers with their high-powered telescopes to allow our 6th graders and their families to view a unique perspective of the night sky. 6th grade teachers played music and had donuts, drinks & glow stuff for sale. It is a fun atmosphere for the entire family and the weather could not have been better to see Mars and the Hercules Nebula Cluster. This is the third year that our 6th grade teachers have organized this memorable experience for our graduating 6th graders. Thanks to everyone who came and we look forward to having next year's 6th graders and their families join us.

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The Book Fair will be open on Nov. 5th-6th from 9am-8pm. It will also be open for the D track conferences on Nov. 19th-20th.

  • For the book fair - we are able to accept cash, check and credit cards.
  • For purchasing any bobcat t-shirts or gear from the PTA - they are only able to accept cash or check for those transactions.

The book fair theme for this year:
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