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Our school choir knocked it out of the park with their performances on Wednesday this week. First, they sang for the student body and then, later in the evening, performed for their families. The show had high energy, was fun and, most of all, was well done.

These students and the teacher leaders came to school on their own time every Wednesday morning before school. They have practiced hard all year.

A BIG thank you to Miss Dall, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Perkins and Mr. Woolf for sharing their talents and working so well with these students. And a BIG thank you to all of the students who came every week and worked so hard to learn the music and their parts to create a wonderful production.

Everyone at Butterfield Canyon works together to create something amazing. We are fortunate to have such amazing people.

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Butterfield Canyon Elementary students participated in the American Heart Association's "Jump Rope for Heart" event for the 2nd year in a row. The school’s student council sponsored the event.

Students  jumped  their way to raising around $7,000! (More evidence that when Butterfield Bobcats put their minds to something, things happen.) Students who were resourceful enough to raise at least $35 in donations were invited to help tape Mr. Hansen to the wall.


Way to go Bobcats!


Herriman City came to Butterfield Canyon Elementary to teach 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders that trees are very important to our planet. We learned that trees can cool a city down in the summer by 10 degrees. And in one year, an acre of trees can produce enough oxygen for 18 people. We also learned that Herriman City has a lot of trees! Besides all the good things trees do they make our city beautiful. During the assembly, our 2nd grade performed a song they've been learning.

After the program some students became tree ambassadors. They were able to go outside while 2 gentlemen from the city taught them the proper way to plant a tree. We will now get to see the tree grow big and strong. In a few years it will be providing some wonderful shade for us to enjoy.

Thank you Herriman City for our new tree!



Tattling or Telling????

Sometimes kids say that they don’t want to tell an adult about bullying because they don’t want to be called a tattle-tale. There’s a big difference between “telling” and “tattling.”

Tattling is what a person does to try to get someone else in trouble.

Telling is what a person does when you or someone else needs help or protection. Telling is helping someone (or yourself) from getting hurt. 

It's always the right thing to do to tell an adult when you see bullying.
It's not only right, it's SMART!

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Remember: Buddy the Bobcat says:

"Be a BUDDY, not a Bully!"

Buddy the Bobcat is the latest addition to the Butterfield Canyon Elementary family. The PTA gifted the mascot to BCE this year.

Buddy makes appearances when special activities are taking place. He brings with him some big energy. He loves to show up (sometimes when it’s least expected) to help the students celebrate. Buddy was here last Friday to welcome next year's new Bobcats during Kindergarten Orientation.

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We LOVE Buddy the Bobcat!


Thanks PTA for Buddy and for all you do for the students of
Butterfield Canyon Elementary.

We  Heart PTA!!!

How do you spell…..

W-A-Y   T-O   G-O????

Congratulations to the finalists in the Butterfield Canyon Elementary 2014-2015 Spelling Bee! Nine students in grades 4, 5 & 6 were successful in the spelling competitions in their grade levels and participated in the school level bee. With the eyes of the student body, teachers and parents on them, they seemed to have nerves of steel to spell words given to them under pressure. So…..

W-A-Y   T-O   G-O!!!

to everyone who competed. Butterfield Canyon Elementary has awesome Bobcats.

This One


4th                                                       5th                                                            6th

Will (not pictured)                                        Keatyn                                           Connor  (2nd Place)
Andrew (not pictured)                                 Charlie                                           Kendra  (3rd Place)
Mckenzie                                                    Jocelyn                                           Brandon (1st Place)









Battle of the Books
This is the first year our 3rd-6th grade students have participated in this reading challenge. Students have been grouped into teams of 4-5 students from their class that will participate in competitions against other teams answering questions from the books on their book list. The more books they read, the higher their chances are of winning the March Madness tournament that will be taking place during the first couple weeks of March. The winning teams will go on a field trip to Momentum Indoor Rock Climbing gym and will be able to spend a couple hours with their coaches climbing and having a blast in their new Funtopia. Thanks to Momentum for providing this free incentive to 60 of our awesome readers! X-Games rock-climbing gold medalistAaron Shamy will provide an assembly to the students on goal setting and will also be there with the students on the day of the field trip.

Our reading totals so far just with the BOB books, as of Feb 3rd:
  • 3rd = 333 books 30,199 pages
  • 4th = 542 books 54,280 pages
  • 5th = 177 books 34,020 pages
  • 6th = 284 books 56,306 pages
    Grand total = 1336 books read and 174,805 pages!!!!!!