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Students caught being good examples of following the school rules are handed a "PAWS FOR LEADERSHIP" slip of paper that they bring down to the office on Wednesday's during lunch recess to choose a number (1-200) and choose a prize out of the treasure box. Their name will go on the associated number on our 200 Club Chart. As soon as a row or column fill up, all students in that row/column are invited to a special activity with the principal. Last week we had a "Principal's 200 Club" party where we learned how to speed stack cups and participated in friendly competitions during the event. Thanks to all the students who impress us everyday and show their peers what good behavior looks like.

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To kick off our Safety Week, the PTA has arranged for Jason Hewlett to come provide a fun and entertaining program for our students. He is a big-time professional entertainer who is providing this experience for our students at no charge (because our school won an online participation contest - thanks to our awesome parents for getting involved on this one).

D track students will be off, but are invited to come back for this one IF they are accompanied by a parent. Seating will be available in the back of the gym for our D track friends.

The assembly will begin promptly at 9:30 am.

Wednesday November 5: “Doing drugs is silly”

      ---> Silly Sock Day

Thursday November 6: “Our Future is Bright no drugs in sight”
      ---> Wear bright neon colors or dark glasses

Friday November 7: “Don’t let your TEAM down by doing Drugs”
     ---> Wear your favorite team or BCE apparel

Monday November 10: “Doing drugs is crazy”
      ---> Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday November 11: “Don’t let Drugs ruin your dreams”
      ---> Pajama day

Wednesday November 12; “I believe in ME-Drug free”
     --->  Wear red to show your commitment to stay drug free

Butterfield Canyon Elementary's Computer Lab has it's own website! This site contains the lesson plans for K-6th Grade. You and your child can access the website at home by going to:
We encourage you to help your child use Dancemat Typing (for 2nd and 3rd Grades) and KBK (4th-6th Grades) at home. They can also play other educational games available on this website.
For questions please contact our Computer Lab Assistant: