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Random Acts of Kindness Day (9/26/18)

 Kindness is...contagious, amazing, a gift, beautiful, important, fashionable, love, never wasted, magical, easy, cool, free, a lifestyle, caring, powerful...kindness is EVERYTHING! ❤
Another awesome day at our school today focusing on Random Acts of Kindness! #staykind

Our amazing Speech-Language Pathologist, Heather Wiest,  was honored as Butterfield Canyon Elementary School 2018 JEF-Jordan Education Foundation- Outstanding Educator. We are so grateful for her talents and abilities in helping our students reach their speech and language goals. Congratulations!

Jordan Education Foundation celebrated 6 outstanding individuals who have poured their heart into their careers supporting Jordan District students and teachers. Our own Connie Robinson, Head Administrative Assistant, Butterfield Canyon Elementary School was one of the 6 classified employees honored at the Board Meeting on Tuesday. Congratulations to the 2018 Jordan Education Foundation Outstanding Classified Employees! Thank you for your dedication. We're in good hands!

We are proud to announce that our 3rd-6th grade students participated in our school-wide Battle of the Books on Friday, March 23rd.  To prepare for the competition our students read the following number of pages:

3rd grade - 74,037 pages
4th grade - 89,139 pages
5th grade - 87,893 pages
6th grade - 125,819 pages
Total:           376,888 pages

Congratulations to our BCE Battle of the Book Winner!

3rd/4th Grade Champs:
1st Place - Diamond Backs  (Mrs. Keller): Ryan Kuhlman, Trey Gramse, Kelli Christiansen, Addi Jones, Kyson Hansen
2nd Place - Silver Wolves (Ms. Dall): Elise Woodward, Dylynn Wayman, Audrey Vargas, Caden Clark, Ben Dansie
5th/6th Grade Champs:
1st Place - Punny Bunnies  (Mr. Seastrand): Landon Parry, Riley Thomas, Myah Lambson, Dawson Gray
2nd Place - Vampire Sticks (Mrs. Rogers): Fernando Cagal, Beau Jackson, Aubrey Francom, Jack Stooksbury, Caden Slaughter

Butterfield Canyon First Graders Visit the State Senate

Butterfield Canyon students waiting to visit the state SenateFirst grade students from Butterfield Canyon Elementary School recently visited the Utah State Capitol and the state Senate chamber.

Students met with District 13 State Senator Jacob Anderegg, whose district includes Butterfield Canyon Elementary. They have been studying the importance of rules and laws, so the field trip was a great way to show the students how laws are made and who represents them.

They were even introduced from the Senate floor and received a round of applause!

Mrs. Joos recently received the Crystal Apple Award presented by Mario Pia from Horace Mann.  Here is why she was nominated:

"Mrs. Joos listens to ideas from her fellow educators and is always ready to work together to find a better way to help students learn. Sometimes during meetings, we can fall into the trap of going through certain routine motions and we don't step back and ask the tough questions about whether our actions are truly going to improve the student's learning. Mrs. Joos helps teacher groups do this by listening to what we are saying- and the direction we are heading - and then she helps us ask how this direction
 will specifically impact students learning? How do we know it will help students who don't get it? Then she tries to think of examples from her class of how our current approach has worked or not worked so we have something concrete to discuss. Mrs. Joos helps her fellow educators by making sure our time and effort actually achieve an improvement.  Mrs. Joos is a wonderful mentor who goes out of her way to help others. She will drop what she is doing to assist in any way she can. She loves to collaborate and share her ideas/supplies to help better the learning environment for all students in every classroom. She cares deeply about each and every student and their success."

Left to right: Mario Pia (Horace Mann), Mrs. Joos, Ms. Anderson (JEA Rep) & Candie Checketts (Assistant Principal)

Kids & Cops Art Competition Winners

The Kids and Cops Art Competition is sponsored through the Sorenson Legacy Foundation with the Unified Police Department.  The purpose of the competition is to help foster a relationship of trust and mutual respect between law enforcement and the community, brought together through art. Students were given the task of creating an original piece of art to support reducing violence, bullying and drugs, and discouraging unsafe practices such as texting an driving. A special thanks to our AMAZING Beverley Taylor Sorenson Art teacher, April Barnes, who provided mini lessons on these topics and facilitated an opportunity for all of our students to participate in this contest.

Congratulations to our winners of the Kids & Cops Art Competition:

1st Place: Emma Scott, 6th Grade

2nd Place: Maycee Bright, 6th Grade

2nd Place: Kylee Carter, 4th Grade

3rd Place: Haley Keller, 5th Grade

3rd Place: Eva Newland, 5th Grade

Honorable Mention: Cache Noble, Clara King, Weston Echols, Sophie Venema, Ashlynn Ryplen, Ashlyn Preece & Aven Soffe

Special Recognition: Jaiden Mickelson, Matthew Wegesend, Olivia Jewkes, Kenadee King, Reagan Walkenhorst & Stockton Venema

Red Ribbon Week

Our PTA Red Ribbon Week is this week:

Monday, November 13th: “Don’t let drugs ruin your dreams” – Pajama Day

Tuesday, November 14th: “Doing drugs is crazy” – Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday, November 15th: “Sock it to drugs” – Crazy Socks Day

Thursday, November 16th: “We are putting a CAP on drugs” – Hat Day

Friday, November 17th: “Don’t let your team down by doing drugs” – Wear Team or School Apparel Day

Thank you for your support!