Butterfield Canyon Elementary School focuses on student leadership, it meets and exceeds the current thinking for bully- prevention initiatives. See if you agree.
The culture should be one where everyone is respected and feels valued.
In our school, unique strengths and talents are valued, so picking on someone who is different is no longer “cool.” Confidence and acceptance grows. Communication improves through the common language of the seven habits. Parents see the school as doing something positive. The result is a culture where everyone is a contributor to the well-being of the entire school family.
Social skills such as anticipating consequences of choices, making informed decisions, respecting differences, communicating effectively, and resolving conflicts should be taught.
Bullies tend to not accept responsibility for their actions but instead blame others.
- Habit 1: Be Proactive teaches initiative, personal responsibility, and controlling emotions.
- Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind teaches visualizing the future, planning, setting goals, doing things that have meaning, and making a difference.
- Habit 3: Put First Things First teaches prioritizing goals and saying no to things you shouldn’t do because they don’t align with your goals.
Bullies have a need to win or be the best at everything.
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win teaches that everyone can win; there is enough success for all.
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood teaches the importance of listening to others’ ideas and feelings and understanding and accepting different points of view.
- Habit 6: Synergize teaches the importance of working together to achieve more and celebrating and learning from others’.
Bullies have a strong need for power and (negative) dominance.
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw teaches the importance of finding balance which impacts self-confidence.
- Habit 8: Find Your Voice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs teaches that everyone has the ability to contribute in a positive way.
Stakeholder involvement is critical and should include students, staff, parents, and the community.
All stakeholders at our school are contributing leaders. Staff training in The Seven Habits is mandatory while parent and community-training is highly recommended.
Teaching The Seven Habits gives the children and adults opportunities to feel good about who they are, to positively interact with others, and to take ownership of their life. This influence will impact our future. Our future looks very bright.
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