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Butterfield Canyon Prevention Plan

Prevention Plan 2024-2025

 Bobcats LEAD by:

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  • Achieving Goals
  • Discovering Potential  

Prevention Plan Overview

This prevention plan has been created following Jordan District guidelines, which can be reviewed at

Our school prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to our students and their families. Some of our everyday efforts, the systems and strategies for supporting our students are listed below.

Students at Butterfield Canyon Elementary are explicitly taught (i.e. What does respect look like in the office, What does safety look like on the playground)., regularly practice, and are positively reinforced for following our ROAR Expectations: Respectful, Optimistic, Accepting and Responsible . You can view a printable version of what we call the ROAR Matrix which details behavior expectations in each area of the school.

Students are expected to follow the behavior expectations detailed in the matrix.  Reminder signs are posted at various locations throughout the building to serve as a reminder of what ROAR looks like in that particular area. ROAR becomes the "Why" behind other specific rules.

 Students who demonstrate ROAR are being good examples to their peers.  Leaders are examples.  Students caught being leaders are positively reinforced by the intrinsic benefits, verbal praise, and may receive a "PAWSitive" ticket.  Once students collect enough "PAWSitive" tickets, they will be able to turn them into the office for a token to use in our Token Tower. 

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The PBIS framework allows for the following:

  • Development of clear, consistent behavior expectations 
  •  The teaching, practicing, and modeling of expected behavior 
  • Acknowledgement of positive behaviors and consistent response to inappropriate behaviors
  •  A continuum of support to meet the needs of all students 
  • The collection and analysis of data to determine the effectiveness of procedures and practices.

Our school has prioritized prevention through the following everyday efforts:

  • Our school uses Panorama data management to identify students in need of additional support.
  • Our school provides access to District mental health and support resources through Student Services which includes the Jordan Family Education Center (JFEC) and Mental Health Access Program (MHAP).
  • Our school’s mental health provider (school psychologist) is trained and supported by District administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts.
  • Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from District specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
  • Our school provides access to parent and family resources including classes through the Jordan Family Education Center.
  • Our school promotes prosocial behaviors using weekly lessons from Leader In Me and Golden Gate Kids programs.
  • Each class has a calming corner and there is consultation with the school psychologist and an assistant to help train students about the appropriate use of the materials and space.
  • We have incorporated Playworks to provide students with the opportunity to learn structured recess activities.

Suicide Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s mental health providers and administrators are trained on and review District suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with support from Jordan District’s Student Services Team.
  •     Students identified who may be at risk of suicide receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include a screening interview (CSSR-S), parent/guardian contact, a safety plan, mental health recommendations/referrals (JFEC, MHAP, etc.), a re-entry meeting, and regular follow-up.                                                                              
  • Butterfield Canyon Elementary is a listed elementary school within the SafeUT App, which provides access to crisis counselors with additional follow up when the student is at school if necessary.

Bullying Prevention Plan

  • Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. It can take many forms: (1) Physical bullying: hitting and/or punching (2) Verbal bullying: teasing or name calling (3) Non-verbal or emotional bullying: intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression (4) Cyber-bullying: sending insulting, threatening or harassing messages by phone or computer, or electronic messaging.  Bullying is not to be tolerated at school and should be reported by any victims or bystanders to a teacher or administrator.  
  • Our school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate, safety, and bullying by identifying vulnerable populations (e.g., racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ youth, students with disabilities) and specific spaces where bullying may be likely to plan supports accordingly.
  • Our school’s staff is trained on school procedures for recognizing, reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and responding to bullying incidents. 
  • Students involved in incidents of bullying as targets, aggressors, or witnesses receive support for their individual needs which may include suicide risk assessments, counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), a student wellness plan and/or parent/guardian contact—recognizing that targets, aggressors, and witnesses of bullying are more susceptible to school problems.
  • Our school uses the Leader in Me program and the Golden Gate program as a means for promoting student success and anti-bullying behavior. 

Violence Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s administrators are trained on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG). 
  • Our school has a process for timely response to school threats using Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) and its decision tree. This includes warning potential victims and their parents/guardians.
  • Our school’s staff and students are aware of school procedures for recognizing and reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring etc.) threats of violence.
  • Students who are affected by or who make threats of violence receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include problem solving, C-STAG interviews, suicide risk assessments, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Restorative Conferencing, Mediation, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP) a student wellness plan and/or parent contact.

Future Plans and Ideas 

  • We will be adding INFOCUS curriculum for social and emotional well being.
  • We will have additional behavior ESP to support student wellness.